Kick Butt Productions (KBP) is my company which specializes in entertaining and inspiring people. KBP has always been a platform for creativity and imagination through programs I've presented and speeches I've given; one day KBP will be responsible for creating films that also entertain and inspire.
In addition to writing and aspiring to be a screenwriter/director, I spend time storytelling at various student conferences. I always enjoy doing this because every time I get the oppurtunity to present or speak, I acheive one of my biggest dreams. The motto of 'dreams beget dreams' represents sharing your dreams with others by including others in them, whether it's active or passive.
Thank you for stopping by and engaging in my dream! Good luck on achieving your own!
-Peter Brooks, Kick Butt Productions Founder, Fall 2005
For more information on KBP's history, click here.
| For more information on Peter Brooks, click here.